On behalf of the ICOMOS International Wood Committee and ICOMOS-UK we invite papers to be presented at New Horizons, York 2018.
Papers are invited from both ICOMOS members and non-members. To propose a paper, please submit a concise one A4-page abstract as follows:
Timetable for submission of abstracts and papers:
Selection and Review Process
The Selection Committee will review the abstracts. It will then select abstracts for papers to be presented at the symposium and for publication on the IIWC website (possibly for both). The selected speakers will be invited to submit fully referenced 2,500-word papers with illustrations after the Symposium for publication on the IIWC website. Guidelines for paper presentations will be emailed to the selected presenters.
To facilitate broader discussion of the themes, a further number of abstracts will be selected (and notified) to present posters for display during the Symposium on stands or electronic screens. Poster Presenters may be invited to personally present if a Speaker Presenter drops out unexpectedly.
Selection Committee: Tina Wik ((ICOMOS Sweden), Mikel Landa (ICOMOS Spain), Doug Evans and Maggie Henderson (ICOMOS UK).
Symposium Organising Committee: Doug Evans, IIWC Vice-President (Europe), Tina Wik IIWC General Secretary, Dana Challinor (ICOMOS UK), Susan Denyer Secretary ICOMOS-UK, and Anthea Longo ICOMOS-UK.
Enquiries: IIWCYork@gmail.com