For 50 years ICOMOS has worked for the conservation, preservation and protection of cultural heritage places. It is the only global non-government organisation dedicated to promoting the conservation of architectural and archaeological heritage.
ICOMOS is a network of experts which benefits from interdisciplinary exchange between its members, who include architects, historians, archaeologists, art historians, geographers, anthropologists, engineers and town planners.
Within this organisation, ICOMOS-UK has played a key role in promoting standards and innovative approaches across many diverse areas of heritage such as buildings, historic cities, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites.
Increasingly cultural heritage is seen as an essential dimension of our lives and an important contributor to sustainable development. The promotion of cultural heritage is now no longer just a single discipline or related to discrete sites, but a crucial facet of many other disciplines and part of most urban and rural landscapes.
In order to develop the new opportunities offered by this mainstreaming of cultural heritage, we need to expand the range of our activities, form links with universities and other institutions, and expand our membership to work on this wider canvas. We are seeking supporters so we can build on our existing work, expand our assistance and influence in the UK Heritage Sector, and continue to represent the UK as a leading promoter of cultural heritage ideas and practices at the International level.
Our current membership structure allows for support to be offered through donations made over and above the normal costs of membership. We would like to encourage a broader spectrum of people to join ICOMOS-UK, and also to introduce a system for the formal recognition of support through charitable contributions to our work at different levels. This is open to individuals, corporate bodies and other organisations that may want to support our work.
Custodian * (£10,000+): mentioned on website° and in all publicity, early notification of all events, free entry to all events, receive regular activities bulletin, sent annual personal report, annual individual meeting with President, CEO available for special briefings, invited to special top donor annual event.
Benefactor * (£1,000+): mentioned on website° and in all publicity, early notification of all events, free entry to all events, receive regular activities bulletin, sent annual personal report, invited to special top donor annual event.
Friend * (£400+): early notification of all events, free entry to lectures, receive regular activities bulletin, invited to special top donor annual event.
* Custodians, Benefactors and Friends receive all the benefits of normal ICOMOS membership (Membership Card, Newsletter etc.) ; where existing members of ICOMOS-UK want to upgrade their existing memberships for that year, the upgrade cost is the Donor Donation minus the membership already paid (e.g. Friend £325+; Benefactor £925+ etc.)
° with the agreement of the member concerned
Please contact to become a supporter of ICOMOS-UK.
Making a regular gift by Direct Debit
If you have a UK bank account and would like to support us this year, why not consider making a regular donation in order to allow us to plan for future years too. Please complete our direct debit form on the right hand side of this page and send it to us.
Making a single gift by Credit Card
If you would like to support us this year, please use the Paypal online payment button below, where you can donate online with your credit or debit card through Paypal (there is no need to have a Paypal account in order to do this).
Making a single gift by cheque
If you would like to make a single gift to ICOMOS-UK, please send your cheque payable to ICOMOS-UK, to:
ICOMOS-UK, 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ
Gift Aid
If you sign a Gift Aid declaration, you can make your donation worth more. For every pound you give to us, we get an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue. To do this, please download our Gift Aid form on the right hand side of this page.
Leaving a gift in your Will
As a charity, we depend on legacies and donations to help us continue our work. Leaving us a gift in your Will means that we can continue to promote appreciation and understanding of cultural heritage in the UK and worldwide. A gift in your Will to ICOMOS-UK will create a lasting legacy which reflects your passions and interest in cultural heritage. It also enables you to pledge your support without any immediate financial impact to you. Recent changes to Inheritance Tax have also made it more attractive to support charities through legacy giving – you can find out more about this on the Legacy10 website. If you would like to talk to us about leaving a gift in your Will, please call 0207 566 0031. Our staff all work part-time, so you may have to leave us a message, but we will phone you back to discuss your questions in confidence.
If you are leaving us a legacy, you will need the following information: ICOMOS-UK (International Council on Monuments & Sites UK), 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ, Registered Charity Number 1057254.