(Annual General Assembly 3-6 December 2018)
This year, the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly and Advisory Committee took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 4-8 December 2018, on the generous invitation of ICOMOS Argentina.
Donald Hankey and Stephen Hughes, Vice-President ICOMOS-UK, attended and are now sharing their views on the event.
Please read extracts from their reports below and find the following full-lenght versions of the documents.
From Stephen Hughes’s report:
I have previously been to three ICOMOS Triennial General Assemblies in recent years but this was my first time in attending one of the smaller Annual General Assemblies latterly necessitated by French Charitable Law. Six members of ICOMOS-UK attended the General Assembly, five of whom shared a lunch on Tuesday 4 December in the grounds of the National Museum of Decorative Arts of Buenos Aires, this being the first ICOMOS General Assembly to be held in South America. Chris Underwood, Secretary of the Shared Heritage International Scientific Committee (ISC) is resident in Buenos Aires, and was able to join us. A total of about 150 international delegates attended at the centre of an urban area with a population of 18 million.
From Donald Hankey’s report:
Today ICOMOS has:
• around 10.100 Individual Members in 153 countries, (excluding those members who participate but who have not joined and paid their membership);
• 320 Institutional Members;
• 110 National Committees (some are ineffective with few members. Some 153 different nationalities are present at ICOMOS events)
• 28 International Scientific Committees. (some are ineffective with few members and little product of policy or advice)
But participation in ISCs and NCs depends upon voluntary action by the membership and not as a result of the Board setting targets for performance in conservation policy and growth