Sea Change Coastal Heritage and Climate Change

Conference in Blackpool, U.K. 4th—6th September 2019

World Monuments Fund Britain has the pleasure of presenting the call for papers and proposals for a conference on Coastal Heritage and Climate Change which will take place in Blackpool, UK, from the 4th to the 6th September 2019. The conference is part of the 2018 World Monuments Watch, a biennial program that uses cultural heritage conservation on to empower communities.
The conference will be aimed at policy makers,heritage bodies, practitioners and academics and will feature a range of speakers from diverse disciplines and professional backgrounds. The conference is being organised on behalf of the World Monuments Fund by a consortium including Bournemouth University, ICOMOS UK and World Monuments Fund Britain. The Scientific Committee includes specialists in related fields (academic and practitioner).
Purpose and Themes
The purpose of the conference is to understand the growing impact of climate change on the built heritage of coastal communities around the world and identify how these impacts might be addressed. The conference is focused on built heritage rather than natural heritage or habitats, although it is recognised that there may be elements that overlap between the two. If in doubt, please email the submissions address for confirmation.
Delegate Booking
The conference has been heavily subsidised to specifically keep the cost of a’ending as low as possible and encourage the widest possible dialogue at regional, national and international levels. The cost of a’ending the three-day conference including lunch and refreshments, conference dinner and all tours will be £60. Booking for delegates will open on 18th February 2019. Please email for registration and booking forms. Because the cost of the conference is so heavily subsidised, each application will be screened to ensure that we attract delegates who will be able to offer meaningful contributions to the dialogue and/or benefit directly from the presentations and syndicate sessions.