Registration for IIWC 21st International Symposium

IIWC 21st Symposium 2018, York, UK


The 21st International Symposium of the ICOMOS International Wood Committee
supported by ICOMOS-UK and York Archaeological Trust, and in association with
the University of York, Historic England and York Minster.
12 – 15 September 2018, York, UK

Due to high demand and limited places available on workshops and tours, registration for ICOMOS International Wood Committee 2018 Symposium will close on the 6th of September. 

Tickets:  £8 (members)/ £12 (non-members) / £5 (students and young professionals under 30)

Click here for the Symposium’s Main Page

The 21st IIWC Symposium will be a multidisciplinary forum for the interchange of experience, ideas, and knowledge of ‘New Horizons’ in the conservation of wooden built heritage as embraced in the new ICOMOS ‘Principles’ adopted in Delhi in 2017.

The papers presented at the Symposium will broaden current perspectives in the conservation of wooden built heritage. Workshops put on by York Archaeological Trust and Historic England, and field trips in York will complement the speaker presentations.

“New Horizons” will be a forum to engage a diverse community of experts, professionals and practitioners with the common goal of exploring new multi-disciplinary perspectives and potentialities in the field of conservation.

Call for Papers

The IIWC Scientific Symposium will be open to both ICOMOS members and non-members and its theme is “New Horizons for the Conservation of Wooden Built Heritage”. The IIWC’s 2018 “New Horizons” symposium in York will be an interchange for new research and technical advancements in the conservation of wooden built heritage.

On behalf of the ICOMOS International Wood Committee and ICOMOS-UK we invite papers to be presented at New Horizons, York 2018.

Deadline for Abstracts: 15 May 2018

Please click here to download the PDF version of the 3rd Call for Papers or visit our page about  IIWC 21st Symposium’s Programme and Call for Papers.


In a session of the of the 19th General Assembly of ICOMOS held in Delhi on 15th December 2017 the new IIWCPrinciples for the Conservation of the Wooden Built Heritagewere adopted as ICOMOS doctrinal text. These new ‘Principles’ replace those adopted previously in 1999.

Ever since the IIWC was established in 1975, the need for a set of conservation principles has been a continuous theme in the Committee’s ongoing discussions and activities. The drafting of the original ‘Principles for the Preservation of Historic Timber Structures’ went through many revisions from 1992 until it was eventually adopted as an ICOMOS doctrinal text at the 12th General Assembly in Mexico, October 1999. At the 16th ICOMOS General Assembly in Quebec 2008 a revision and update of the 1999 Principles was proposed to take account of: recognition of a wider variety of wooden heritage including its intangible aspects; to better respond to the diversity of cultural heritage and the diversity of approaches to conservation, as embraced in the Nara Document on Authenticity (Japan 1994); and to improve the organisation and applicability of the document, and to update its content adapting it to current concerns, knowledge and processes.

For further information about and for a downloadable copy of the ICOMOS 2017 ‘Principles for the Conservation of Wooden Built Heritage’ please go to: ­­­­­­­­