ICOMOS-UK planned two lectures in May 2018
10th of May: Repairing the Kinsol Trestle: the timber train viaduct on Vancouver Island
17th of May: Enclosing the civilised world in a ring: a new World Heritage Thematic Study on the Roman Frontiers.
Please find more details below
About Dr Polak:
Dr Marinus (Rien) Polak studied Roman Archaeology at Leiden University (NL) and has a DPhil from Radboud University Nijmegen (NL). He has been working on the frontiers of the Roman Empire for over thirty years, in the fields of academic research and archaeological heritage management. He is working as a lecturer in Roman Archaeology at Radboud University, carrying on the established research tradition of that department in Roman military matters.
Over the last few years he has been involved as an academic advisor in preparing the proposed nomination of the frontier of the Roman province of Lower Germany, stretching from Bonn (D) to Katwijk (NL) on the North Sea coast, for the World Heritage List. He is one of the authors of the Thematic Study ‘The Frontiers of the Roman Empire’ presented to UNESCO earlier this year.
£12 (members)/ £15 (non-members) / £7 (students and young professionals under 30)
Twitter: #FRE, #SpringLecture
Pictures (from left to right):
– Hadrian’s Wall to the west of the fort at Housesteads (UK) – from Wikimedia Commons
– Corner tower of the desert fort of Khan al-Hallabat, 39km south-west of Palmyra
– The military post of Falacro in the Eastern Desert, Egypt, on the route from the Nile to Berenice on the Red Sea Coast
ICOMOS-UK thanks Michel Reddé and Markus Gschwind for granting permission for the use of their photos.
Repairing the Kinsol Trestle: the timber train viaduct on Vancouver Island
ICOMOS-UK’s Wood Committee has invited Charley Brentnall over to talk about the repairs to the Kinsol Trestle, as he collaborated on a survey and strategy to repair the Howe truss spanning the ravine.
Charley is director of Carpenter Oak Ltd and will look at what has changed for the timber train viaduct on Vancouver Island.
Thursday 10th May 2018—6.30 – 8.30pm
Venue: The Gallery, 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ
Tickets: £8 (members)/ £12 (non-members) / £5 (students and young professionals under 30)